Friday, December 28, 2012

The Best 100 Calorie Snack of 2013

Whole Wheat Fig Bars!

I like to buy mine in bulk at my local natural foods store, Farmer Joe's. And my baby loves them!

This is the best 100 calories you can get while you're on the go OR starving (before you eat a meal) or first thing in the morning to get some healthy calories in. Don't forget that getting food into your system within the first hour of waking up is vital to revving up your metabolism! Start 2013 off right by incorporating breakfast into your day! You will see an increase of energy and a balancing of your moods.

Whole wheat fig bars are a great way to start the day! One bar in the picture seen above is about 100 calories. Eat 2 for breakfast or one as a snack!

Whole wheat fig bars contain:
Vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyroxidine), folic acid and minerals such as potassium (more than bananas and avocado), phosphorus, magnesium (good for muscles and moods), sulfur (good for hair, skin, nails and joints), chromium (good for losing weight), manganese (decreases inflammation), molybdenum (alcohol detoxing), selenium (protects against aging), silicon (for strong bones) and zinc (for proper immune function).

So get you some whole wheat fig bars!! Unless your body is not a fan of gluten ;)

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