Friday, August 27, 2010

metabolism and nutrition

My objective as a personal trainer is to get my client into the best shape of her life. My objective in this blog is to let you know that you are not alone in your endeavors to be a healthy, fit, strong and balanced woman. I seek to make a positive imprint on your life.  

The more experience I have as a personal trainer, the more clear it becomes to me that I am not only giving someone a workout, but that together, the client and I are switching her metabolism to reset. In effect, the real work we are doing is re-training this person's metabolic rate through resistance training, cardiovascular exercise and most importantly, nutrition. In my own experience, I have seen the most change in my body come about through nutrition. Since 80% of getting to your fitness goals is based on nutrition, this change was expected. However, I am still surprised by the speedy physiological changes from the effects of what I eat on a weekly and even daily basis.  

Lately I have been reading a lot about metabolism; how to speed it up, why it slows down and what foods make it go both ways. I have been speaking to a few women who have had allergic reactions to foods which have caused them to gain weight, to not be able to breathe well and which leave them with very low energy.   I will be looking into a nutrition consultant program for myself to better understand the intricacies of this complex issue, but as I go, I will be sharing my research. 

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