Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Olive Oil, Brewer's Yeast and Vinegar: 3 Unlikely Supplements for Diet and Home


Since I became a mom about a year ago I've been thinking more about chemicals in the household (as many moms do) and how to use alternative and natural resources so that my daughter doesn't unnecessarily end up ingesting or breathing in strange chemicals.

I've surprised myself to be super excited about the fact that vinegar is the strongest cleaning agent I've ever found. I've never paid much attention to cleaning the outer edges of the bottom of a toilet bowl, but to imagine that my daughter could put her hands all over it and then in her mouth has made me think twice about every corner of my apartment.

I now understand the huge cleaning agent industry in this country and why there's so many commercials targeting moms. I'm even more surprised though, that vinegar does a way better job at cleaning surfaces in the bathroom than any other I've ever tried (or heard of). Yes, it does make the bathroom smell like vinegar (I use apple cider vinegar) but I've never seen the sink or bathtub so clean EVER. So just to let ya'll know. It's pretty cool.

Also, apple cider vinegar (raw is best) is a super healthy means of improving digestion and therefore, detoxing. While I was pregnant in my 1st trimester I had a lot of nausea and had a hard time eating anything but refined starches. This nutritional deficiency gave me a zinc deficiency (and a depressed state of mind) so thanks to my nutrition schooling I started drinking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with water or orange juice first thing in the morning as a tonic. My digestion improved and I was able to start to eat other foods again.

As I slowly try to learn more about food and cooking I've realized that the balance and missing piece in many of my dishes was often acid. So acid can come from citrus or vinegar or wine. The acid helps round out the dish to complete it. Do you know of some other acid based foods that are good for cooking with? Please share what you know by commenting below!

Olive Oil

This oil from a fruit has been around for many thousands of years. Most people know the basic benefits of olive oil such as that it is a source of omega 3's and is an anti-inflammatory. Olive oil is also an omega-9 oleic acid which reduces blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease by helping to eliminate plaque in the arteries.

In addition to being healthy for us, olive oil is delicious! I cook all of my vegetables in it, use it for all of my homemade salad dressings and cook all of my proteins in it too! Here's a great salad dressing:

3 tbsp olive oil
1/4 juice from lemon
1 tbsp minced red onion
1 tbsp minced mint
1 tbsp minced chives
1 tbsp minced parsley
salt and pepper
*Great over bibb lettuce, tomato, avocado and cucumber YUM!

Healthy fats are a macronutrient because they keep our membranes strong, are cushioning for our organs and cells, they protect the transmission of nerves, they comprise 60% of the brain and are important for gastrointestinal health.

So since our joints need lubrication for movement that we can get from olive oil I thought why not try it on the hinge of my door that creaks and wakes up my baby every time I open it. And it worked! Way safer and healthier than WD40 ;)

Brewer's Yeast

In my nutrition class brewer's yeast kept coming up as the food source highest in minerals and vitamins that we were studying. Brewer's yeast is rich in vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, zinc, selenium, chromium, copper and iron. Brewer's yeast is great for fertility, reducing PMS symptoms, menopause and breast feeding. So it's great for women :)
This is probably the best supplement you could use. I eat it for breakfast every weekday on top of almond butter on whole wheat toast. At first it was pretty yeasty tasting and now I've kind of gotten addicted to the taste. I crave it in the morning and look forward to eating it at 6 in the morning :) My baby also likes it because I do. Funny how the body craves what it needs if you offer it. (Cravings of sugar don't count).  Here is a super interesting table about what it means when you are craving a certain food.

The B vitamins are our mood vitamins because they help regulate the hormones. They are water soluble which means that they leave the body fast vs. fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K.

These days B vitamins are often added to regular foods because many people are deficient in them (because we don't eat whole foods). Look for B vitamins in all kinds of cereals, protein bars, juices and even energy drinks. You will start to see them everywhere. They will be thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) and pantothenic acid (B5). It's a nice idea that products are trying to give people these vitamins so that we don't have deficiencies (and aren't assholes all the time ;) but it turns out that the digestive system can't digest vitamins without their co-factor friends called minerals.

Whole foods contain minerals and vitamins in them together, such as in brewer's yeast. When vitamins are added to foods so that they are "fortified" we may think that we are getting a healthier food, but in actuality we are unable to access those vitamins unless they are accompanied by minerals. Through evolution our bodies have become accustomed to getting our nutrients through whole foods.

So eat whole foods to ensure that you get the whole package!

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